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[Debconf13-ch] Preparation of the debconf13 decision meeting


The decision meeting is probably comming very soon. As it seems until
now, the global team does not have many questions. But from the
discussion so far it is clear, that the cost will be a major decision
factor. Although the Latvia bid isn't exactly cheap either we are
clearly more expensive. So we should think about how we could further
reduce the costs and how we could increase the revenues:

- We should probably at least ask Le Camp if they in general see the
  possibility to give us some discount (especially on the food). We
  could also discuss options where we don't rent some of the houses for
  debcamp. Luca are you going to do this or would you prefer if someone
  else talked to them?

- Other possible sources of income:
  - Debconf bar
  - Professional and Corporate attendees
  - ?

The second point of concern is the internet connectivity. We should also
try to have an update on that item. 

Beside these two points we should also work on answer to all the points
on the Priority List[1]. In addition to the priority list we have to

* A description of the weak points in their own bids. 
* A description of the strong points in other bids. 

I added these two points to the priority list wiki page. Please add your
thoughts to


[1] http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/PriorityList

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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