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Re: [Debconf13-ch] [Debconf-team] Question for DebConf13 bids: Costs

i there!

FOSDEM is over, coming back to "normal" life (sorry for having missed
that so long).

On Fri, 03 Feb 2012 18:32:46 +0100, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Gaudenz Steinlin dijo [Fri, Feb 03, 2012 at 12:43:32PM +0100]:
>> > > - In emergency we could move debconf to Geneva or Zurich: bunkers +
>> > > university (but venue and bunkers are far).
>> > 
>> > Right, please consider this as well for the decision meeting! What
>> > does "far" mean? And being inside a city has many other interesting
>> > advantages.
>> It means like 15 minutes walking distance. But to be honest I don't like
>> to consider this option at this stage because if we are going to have
>> Debconf in Switzerland with accommodation in bunkers then I'd prefer to
>> have it in another country with better accommodation.
> Well, if this helps for considering it: Look at the list archives, a
> couple of days ago - We were also requesting the Latvia team not to
> pursue their main proposed venue if something cheaper were to be
> available.
> So, to give you motivation, compare a DebConf in bunkers in
> Switzerland to a DebConf in bunkers in Latvia ;-) (even though the
> conditions might not be the same). The ideal, I know, is somewhat
> different. But we cannot aim for the ideal, we can aim for the real.
While I fully agree in *general*, let me disagree here ;-)

Please the Swiss team corrects me if I am wrong, but the Swiss bid at
some point was clearly directed towards a *non-city* bid, because all
the other DebConfs since at least Mexico (the first one I attended)
happened in a city.  In a way we ended out choosing a "similar" location
to the one I myself joked about during the first presentation at
DebConf11 (around the 13th minutes at [1]).

[1] <http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2011/debconf11/low/734_DebConf13_in_your_city.ogv>

Please also note that we looked for other places in both Geneva and
Zurich: the dormitory being the less expensive accommodation facility,
at least in Geneva they will still be *way more expensive* than at `Le
Camp` (please contact any member of the team in private if you want the
actual numbers, we were asked not to disclose them).  I do not have the
exact number for Zurich right now, but IIRC prices were in the same

Do not take this email as "we do not want to move away from our first
decision", but I regret to write that `Le Camp` actually is the
*cheapest* price we have found, at least for Swiss standards (and again,
please the Swiss team correct me if I am wrong).  Also considering that
for 53.72 EUR (65.00 CHF) per day per person you have a bed, 3 meals per
day and access to the venue.  As I already wrote [2], these prices have
not being negotiated yet, but they are the *maximum* amount we should
pay to get the *whole* venue, while bunker prices depend on actual

[2] <http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120124.081726.65d31c9f.en.html>

Despite myself wanting to have a DebConf in Geneva, once we visited `Le
Camp` we quickly realized that having a similar offer in Geneva or
Zurich would have cost way too much, also with local/official support.
And this without considering the surrounding environment, so simply
considering the monetary stuff.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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