Re: Debian USB sticks
On 11:02 Tue 14 Sep , Luca Capello wrote:
> n<#secure method=pgpmime mode=sign>
> Hi Xavier!
> On Sat, 11 Sep 2010 14:56:01 +0200, Xavier Oswald wrote:
> > Lot of people asked me this year about debian dvd and cd. But as most computer
> > nowadays can boot usb key, I want to work on having usb sticks with the debian
> > swirl on it and have for the next release, a bootable d-i squeeze system on them.
> Are these USB sticks for sale or a gift? In the former case, please
> note that it could be quite difficult to estimate how many people would
> like to *buy* them. In the latter case, well, we are going to loose
> quite a lot of money ;-)
I will do DVDs for free and usb sticks for sale.
> > So Im wondering if you have contact or such to achieve this.
> >
> > Some possibilities are:
> > - buy usb sticks and have a separated swirl I can paste on them.
> This is easier, since we already have the small plain swirl: its size is
> 23.5 x 30.0 mm, <>, and we can produce an
> even smaller version if needed.
> The major drawback of this approach is that the foilsticker could go
> away with use (this is what happened to the one on my Openmoko
> FreeRunner).
I see.
> > - buy usb sticks with swirl on them which could be done by a
> > constructor/vendor.
> I can ask the company producing our T-Shirts/foilstickers if they know
> someone, but at least two questions remain:
> 1) how many pieces?
100 for the beginning.
> 2) which size in MB/GB? I would assume something around 1GB should be
> enough (~25MB for the d-i image plus ~700MB for the full first-CD
> image)
I will produce a special version with a default g-i and the whole gnome desktop
which will fit in a 1Gb stick.
> > I will do myself the fact of having the sticks bootable with squeeze d-i and
> > probably multiarch.
> Is it possible to have multiarch on a USB stick? I have never read
> anything about it, only for CDs, but I would be more than happy to have
> it as well!
Not sure if it possible but I want to investigate around this issue. But doing
this will need bigger sized sticks :/
> BTW, may I suggest a sort of Debian tool to prepare the bootable sticks?
> Thus, when someone needs a new d-i version it would be just a
> question of `apt-get install $PKG; $TOOL $USB_STICK_DEVICE` ;-)
I already have a small script which take the devive, the initrd and the iso
image as argument.
Xavier Oswald <>
GNU/Linux Debian Developer -
GPG key ID: 0x464B8DE3
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