Re: AGM 2009: call for dates
Thanks to martin for organising the meeting.
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 12:25:37PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <> [2009.11.11.1205 +0100]:
> > Zürich is pretty much far away from my /home, but I think I'll be
> > able to manage that. Being able to sleep somewhere there would be
> > greatly appreciated though !
> I am sure that could be addressed. We also haven't been in Bern yet,
> but I don't know any (free) meeting locations there. If someone
> could organise something, let's meet in Bern, which should closer on
> average to everyone.
We could meet at my place in Bern. I can also offer a bed for everyone
who does not want to travel back home the same day. If we are less than
8 ppl we can have the meeting in my appartement, if we are more we can
use the community room beside it. There is enough space for up to 50
ppl. I think that's enough ;-).
How do we decide about the location? Martin do you decide by benevolent
dictatorship or do you want to add the location to the doodle so that
ppl can vote for their prefered location?
And please don't forget to invite our honorary member MJ Ray and our DPL
candidate zack. ;-)
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Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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