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Re: anyone still here?

On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 06:41:12AM +0900, YAEGASHI Takeshi wrote:
> I have both SH-3/4 platforms which are capable of running buildd of
> sid.  Actually, each of them used to run one for our own package
> archive. Not a few number of sh3/sh4 packages were uploaded there.
> You can see them at http://debian.dodes.org/.


> This archive was built based on the older debarchiver.  I frequently
> had to synchronize our archive with offical one to keep the buildd
> running.  Day after day I copied dependent packages from binary-all by
> hand, and at last I threw up giving in to the painful work.

Yeah, that doesn't sound like much fun at all.

> It would be very nice if we could set up the new package archive and
> modern manager (katie) which could automatically mirror the latest
> status of sid's pool.
> And that experience will greatly help other unfortunate minor
> architectures to bootstrap and track sid, for example Debian for PS2
> Linux (aka mipsEEel-linux).

Yes, I agree.  There is probably enough demand for these minor
architectures to justify their maintenance using third party resources,
but not the main mirrors.  The thing that bothers me and makes me push
for keeping them up to date is that it is a circular dependency:  in
order for more people to use/buy these archs, they must have up-to-date,
useful software.  But in order to justify the resources to maintain that
software, we depend on it having a significant number of users.

> Of course I'm glad to provide my machines and some resources for it.

I'll leave another message here when I have some time.  For my part, I
have a Dreamcast which I am interested in building a more modern
distribution for.  A while ago I had the idea of a diskless web server
farm, but I'm not sure how practical that would be now on a Dreamcast.

Ryan Underwood, <nemesis@icequake.net>

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