PGX64 driver issue - was: Re: Bullseye planned on sparc64?
On 8/24/21 3:20 PM, Phillip Stevens wrote:
>> It might also be an idea to contact the original author/maintainer of the
>> PGX-64 and XVR-100 graphics boards and ask whether they're willing to fix
>> the issue.
>> Did these boards work in the past with the 32-bit sparc ?
> I can only comment on mach64 on 32 bit Sparc, it was working fine. The
> desktop was reasonably responsive. About as responsive as Solaris, so quite
> good. I didn’t get the xvr-100 until afterwards.
Did you try the mach64 driver that was reintroduced to the Debian package archive?
Can you verify which package version of the driver you have installed?
And can you provide the full
.''`. John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' : Debian Developer -
`. `' Freie Universitaet Berlin -
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