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Re: Sparc 6.0.3: multiple Nautilus file manager process after few minutes from fresh install

> I would like to ask some assistance about my new install sparc64 debian 
> 6.0.3 in a sun blade 150 Hardware.i having this problem in a nautilus 
> file manager in the below panel, it keeps open and closing (multiple 
> file manager process starting and dying) this in result of 100 percent 
> cpu load, this problem will start in a few minutes after using the fresh 
> new install system. 
I also got this bug. This is the reason, why I am still using Lenny on my SPARC-systems. The SPARC-version of Squeeze is really buggy and nearly unusable. Other applications have similar problems. For example, Iceweasel segfaults very often and KDE doesn't load the panel. I still hope, that the next Debian release on SPARC will be better. I can't believe, that such a buggy SPARC release as Squeeze was released as "stable".. :(
> This is the second time i fresh install i thought 
> this will disappear if i fresh install again. I install on a DVD disc.
> I did the ff but doesn't solve the problem:
> 1. remove & reinstall the nautilus package including the gnome 
> dependecies like gnome-core* gnome-desktop* etc
> 2. remove & reinstall the full gnome* package.
> 3. fresh install twice.
> 4. reboot multiple times for every steps taken above.
I'm sorry, this won't help, the package is buggy. Use Lenny instead and hope, that Wheezy will be better.
Alexander Feld <shadowing@fsfe.org>

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