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Re: Dropping sparc32 for lenny

I'm joining the thread just to add my 2 cents...

D'après Mark Morgan Lloyd <markMLl.debian-sparc@telemetry.co.uk> :

My experience is that a SuperSparc-based SMP SS20 is rock-solid with 2.4.27 as shipped.

    I have the same experience here. I'm using a 2.4.27 with xfce on an
    2x75MHz SS20 and I'm quite happy with it: it only crashed once a long
    time ago. It's still a little slow of course, but with applications
    designed for embedded systems (or with embedded system in mind) such
    as Enlightenment DR17, it would make a useable workstation even by
    today's standards.

    On the other hand, I tried the shipped 2.6.18 kernel but it doesn't
    even boot.

    I'm not deeply involved in the sparc-port (but I occasionnaly report
    bugs) so I am not in a position to ask for something particular but
    I'd really like to see sparc32 port maintained. Linux has been the only
    kernel supporting most (if not all) my sparcs' devices: neither OpenBSD
    nor NetBSD support as much things as Linux.

    I am perfectly aware that sparc32 systems are on the way to be too old
    to be used for daily tasks (they use too much power, are too slow, have
    "flacky" hardware -- for some -- and parts are more and more difficult
    to find), but, IMHO,  this is a kind of hardware that deserve to be


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