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Re: Sound config?

On Saturday 23 July 2005 17:35, Tib wrote:
> However, I did pull open the case and look at the card. It's on a tiny
> slot about 1.5" long. The chip is marked with
> 'Crystal
> CS4231A-KQ
> CTAFUP0012'
> So I'm pretty sure it's crystal audio :] Now I'm just not sure how to
> configure it.

Triggered by the posts here, I just had a look at my Ultra 10.
The sound card seems to not be on the PCI bus (at least not visible to 
lspci), but prtconf -v does show it on the ebus:
    pci (driver probably installed)
        pci (driver probably installed)
            ebus (driver probably installed)
                auxio (driver probably installed)
                power (driver probably installed)
                SUNW,pll (driver probably installed)
                se (driver probably installed)
                su (driver probably installed)
                su (driver probably installed)
                ecpp (driver probably installed)
                fdthree (driver probably installed)
                eeprom (driver probably installed)
                flashprom (driver probably installed)
-->             SUNW,CS4231 (driver probably installed)

I managed to get some noise out of it by loading module snd_sun_cs4231 
(I'm running 2.6.12) and installing alsa, but getting it to play anything 
nicely will require a bit (lot?) more work :-/
Alsamixer at least does show the card recognized.


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