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RE: kernel woes

A couple of things jump out to me, and a suggestion.

First, you're mounting /dev/hda1 as your root partition, which if true,
you're then saying your kernel images are in the root directory.  (They're
usually found in /boot)  If, on the other hand, you're using a smaller
partition to boot from in /dev/hda1, then your root partition is incorrect,
but your image locations are correct.

One thing you can do to check this is to type the following command at the
silo prompt:

ls /

This will show you what's at the root of the current partition.  You can
also do an ls on /boot as well to see if your image files are there.  If
they're in /boot rather than /, you can boot into them as well.  I think the
command is to simply type the path and name of the image you want to boot
with, followed by any options.  For example:


Would boot the first image if its in /boot rather than /.  Double check the
silo man pages for the correct format, I'm not sure if its completely

Other than that, at this point I don't know.

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Rodriguez [mailto:randy@fenriswolf.net] 
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 10:37 AM
To: debian-sparc@lists.debian.org
Subject: kernel woes

OK, here I am throwing myself on the mercy of the Debian SPARC community. 
I have an Ultra10 (440MHz, 256Mb RAM) that I'm planning to use as a
general-purpose home LAN server.  Ran into varied and sundry problems with
Sarge install CDs, but was successful in booting and installing from a Woody
CD.  Base system installs fine, I edit /etc/apt/sources.list to reflect
sarge and the apt-get dist-upgrade went swimmingly.  All's good thus far
with my shiny new Sarge-on-SPARC install, but it's running kernel 2.4.18.
Here's where my fun begins...

If I install kernel-image 2.4.24 via apt (the most current available from
official mirror sites), I can boot into the new kernel but then the machine
is unable to connect out.  No ftp, no ssh, no http, nothing. 
However, inbound connectivity is fine.  This made my head hurt, so I moved
onto Plan B: The Reinstall.

Reference the above and we're back at Sarge with 2.4.18.  Now I get clever
and  install kernel-sources 2.4.25, compile my own and install it.  I edited
my silo.conf to have linux (2.4.25) and linuxOLD (2.4.18), unlike what I get
when I did the apt-get install of the kernel (which was only one option, the
new kernel).  So I reboot and now silo tells me it can't find the vmlinuz
file for EITHER of the kernels.  My silo.conf is something like this (from



(OK, this is one long-ass email.  Time to wrap up!)
So my questions are thus:

How can I tell silo to boot either of my existing kernels?  And what have I
done wrong in any of these cases??


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