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Re: Silo breakage creating woody r2 CDs for sparc

> For now I'm going to leave the sparc images as they are. If there's no
> way to test, then I'm going to wait until the boot-sparc script is
> known to work. I'll work on the easier architectures first.

I know they wont work, because isofs.b doesn't work like cd.b did, and
you used a mkisofs that that was expecting that.

So you are telling me that the problem is that you are pulling stuff
from unstable, and using unstable to build, and things are failing
because of that? If so, then that's your mistake, not mine. Build on
woody, and point to a woody mirror, not unstable. I can imagine the
amount of problems you would have building that way.

Besides, the woody/sarge build scripts in debian-cd are seperate. I can
change the sarge one to be correct, and leave the woody one the same,
but you will still have to fix your build environment. Heck, just make a
minimum chroot to build out of.

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