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Re: [gentoo-sparc] more info re hypersparc smp w/ 2.4.23-pre5

Out of curiosity ...

 - vanilla being straight from kernel.org
 - or from debian ? (and flavor thereof?)
 - or from ?
 - compiled with what compiler if you compiled?
 - and headless or framebuffered?

BTW, I'm running straight debian unstable with
custom compiled SMP 2.2.25 from kernel.org.  Since
this 2.2.25 kernel doesn't crash at INIT on the way up
I'ld guess it isn't the INIT code per se. ??
Just trying to add data points.


I have a sparc 20, 2x 150 MHz HperSparcs, and 2.4.21-SMP, vanilla, no patch,
ext3 all over.

My machine always boots up to INIT, then, it may hang...

If it starts the INIT correctly, it's good to go for months...

The more I look at it, the more I believe it is an issue with a flacky INIT,
not liking an SMP kernel thing. But I'm not much of a coder, so I may be
very wrong.

Then again, this is the first I hear of the kernel hanging midway into its


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