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Re: Linux on a SunBlade 100

Andrew Sharp <andy@netfall.com> writes:

> Post it to the list.  As an attachment maybe.

Here is my keyboard map (.xmodmap).  There are a couple problems with
it: the numeric keypad doesn't work, the "Cut" key and some of its
brothers don't work, and I can't seem to get the "Alt" key working,
though "Meta" (the diamond key) works so thats not too bad.  There may
be other keys I failed to map because I didn't notice them.

Also, depending on what the keyboard map is _before_ I run xmodmap on
this file, sometimes the "shift" section screws it up.  I don't
understand that in the least, but if I run the shift section
separately from the rest of it, then it'll work.

"man xmodmap" for information on how to use this file.

Improvements on what I have here would be welcome.



keycode 66 = F1
keycode 67 = F2
keycode 68 = F3
keycode 69 = F4
keycode 35 = Return
keycode 23 = Q
keycode 24 = W
keycode 25 = E
keycode 26 = R
keycode 27 = T
keycode 28 = Y
keycode 29 = U
keycode 30 = I
keycode 31 = O
keycode 32 = P
keycode 37 = A
keycode 38 = S
keycode 39 = D
keycode 40 = F
keycode 41 = G
keycode 42 = H
keycode 43 = J
keycode 44 = K
keycode 45 = L
keycode 51 = Z
keycode 52 = X
keycode 53 = C
keycode 54 = V
keycode 55 = B
keycode 56 = N
keycode 57 = M
keycode 58 = comma
keycode 59 = period
keycode 64 = space
keycode 21 = BackSpace
keycode 79 = Up
keycode 82 = Left
keycode 84 = Right
keycode 87 = Down
keycode 9  = 1
keycode 10 = 2
keycode 11 = 3
keycode 12 = 4
keycode 13 = 5
keycode 14 = 6
keycode 15 = 7
keycode 16 = 8
keycode 17 = 9
keycode 18 = 0
keycode 19 = minus
keycode 20 = equal
keycode 50 = backslash
keycode 48 = grave
keycode 22 = Tab
keycode 65 = Caps_Lock
keycode 33 = bracketleft
keycode 34 = bracketright
keycode 60 = slash
keycode 46 = semicolon
keycode 47 = quoteright
keycode 8  = Escape
keycode 103 = 
! modifiers:
clear mod1
clear mod2
clear mod3
clear mod4
keycode 98 = Meta_L
keycode 99 = Meta_R
add mod4 = Meta_R Meta_L
keycode 63 = Alt_L
clear Control
keycode 36 = Control_L
add Control = Control_L
clear Lock
add Lock = Caps_Lock
clear shift
keycode 49 = Shift_L
keycode 61 = Shift_R
add Shift = Shift_L
add Shift = Shift_R
! Extra keys
keycode 89 = Insert
keycode 90 = Delete
keycode 80 = Page_Up
keycode 88 = Page_Down
keycode 78 = Home
keycode 86 = End
!keycode 100 = Muilti_key !compose
! even more extra keys
keycode 108 = Find
!keycode 107 = Open?
!keycode 105 = Front?
!keycode 101 = Props?
keycode 111 = Cancel
!keycode 67 = Cut?
!keycode 108 = Paste?
!keycode 127 = Copy?
keycode 102 = Undo
keycode 100 = Redo
keycode 105 = Help
! numeric keypad
keycode 76 = Num_Lock
! ?
! Shifts
keysym comma = comma less
keysym period = period greater
keysym slash = slash question
keysym backslash = backslash bar
keysym bracketleft = bracketleft braceleft
keysym bracketright = bracketright braceright
keysym 1 = 1 exclam
keysym 2 = 2 at
keysym 3 = 3 numbersign
keysym 4 = 4 dollar
keysym 5 = 5 percent
keysym 6 = 6 asciicircum
keysym 7 = 7 ampersand
keysym 8 = 8 asterisk
keysym 9 = 9 parenleft
keysym 0 = 0 parenright
keysym minus = minus underscore
keysym equal = equal plus
keysym semicolon = semicolon colon
keysym grave = grave asciitilde
keysym quoteright = quoteright quotedbl

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