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Re: utilizing keys (type 5 keyboard)

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Matthew Haas wrote:

> upper right power/brightness/volume buttons. (Also the Compose, Alt Graph,
> and the ubiquitous diamond (Sun-like) buttons on either side of the space
> bar.)

Under X you can remap these with xmodmap.  I'm not sure what the current
status of the console keyboard mapping stuff is - kbd and kbd_data seem to
have been on hold for months.

> console as well...even if the brightness keys couldn't be gotten to work,
> hitting a button to "power down" (shutdown -h now) would be cool. Any

X acknowledges the existence of the brightness-control keys, there's just
nothing underneath that I know of to frob the video card appropriately in
response thereto.

> Also, probably related to terminal types.. is there a way to incorporate
> the Home/End buttons to work with the bash command line? (Hit End to zoom
> to the end of the line, home to the beginning) Perhaps even the delete key

All the keys on the keypad and the edit/cursor clusters generate escape
sequences.  Have a read through your shell's manpage for key bindings.  In
tcsh and zsh, it's "bind" (I think) and "bindkey", respectively; in bash,
you have to mash on the .inputrc, which I think is documented in the
libreadline stuff.

> to delete instead of backspace. (I KNOW that delete isn't in the VT102

Um, my shell treats both delete (ASCII 127) and backspace (ASCII 8) as
equivalent.  Most of the rest of the things I run don't, and so I run stty
erase ^H/^?, depending on whether my backspace key currently generates
backspace or delete.  (Using one shell account from half a dozen terminal
types is FUN!)

> understanding of terminal types (terminfo/termcap), how to set them

Both terminfo and termcap have their respective manpages in section 5, but
Debian doesn't use termcap.  And since a number of programs (smbclient
springs to mind) don't actually use terminfo or termcap to figure out what
keys on your keyboard do what, mashing on your terminfo file isn't going to
help a whole lot.  (That being said, I have a vt220-color terminfo file for
use with (Secure)CRT, if anyone's interested.)

> Additionally, I noticed the presence of an "SVGAlib Dummy" package...
> does this pull off SVGAlib capability for Debian SPARC? (As in a hacked
> SVGAlib with support for the CGSix, CGThree, etc.?) That would be really
> cool (although I think I saw GGI kicking around somewhere...would that be
> a better solution?)

The SVGAlib dummy package is just a dummy library you can install so
packages that contain both svgalib and non-svgalib binaries will install.
It doesn't actually do anything, and SVGAlib is too tied to Intel hardware
to work on SPARC.

> One last request-- I have a friend who has a SS-1+ ..apparently the
> battery is dead (the .enet-addr is ALL zeroes, and it doesn't remember
> settings after it's powered off).. any good sources for new batteries?

Do a websearch for the Sun Hardware FAQ.


Jeffrey Sean Connell __ | Networking/Telecommunications Engineer, GXC
ankh@canuck.gen.nz   \/ | PGP key: http://www.canuck.gen.nz/~ankh/pgpkey.html

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