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utilizing keys (type 5 keyboard)


I'm running the Debian 2.1 SPARC release on a SS-2. I was tinkering around
and an idea popped into my head.. I had no idea where to start... it can
probably be accomplished in X rather easily, but if possible I'd also like
to get it working on the console.

My Sun Type 5 keyboard (it says it's Type 5, the initial boot screen on
the PROM says Type 4) has some currently unused under Linux keys...

upper right power/brightness/volume buttons. (Also the Compose, Alt Graph,
and the ubiquitous diamond (Sun-like) buttons on either side of the space

Is there any way of rigging these up for any sort of use? I'm running
FVWM2 (and ICEWM) under X, but these could be very useful when I'm at the
console as well...even if the brightness keys couldn't be gotten to work,
hitting a button to "power down" (shutdown -h now) would be cool. Any
ideas? Any documents I can read?

Also, probably related to terminal types.. is there a way to incorporate
the Home/End buttons to work with the bash command line? (Hit End to zoom
to the end of the line, home to the beginning) Perhaps even the delete key
to delete instead of backspace. (I KNOW that delete isn't in the VT102
standard). Also any pointers to information to give me a better
understanding of terminal types (terminfo/termcap), how to set them
up/keys and their functions, etc.

Additionally, I noticed the presence of an "SVGAlib Dummy" package...
does this pull off SVGAlib capability for Debian SPARC? (As in a hacked
SVGAlib with support for the CGSix, CGThree, etc.?) That would be really
cool (although I think I saw GGI kicking around somewhere...would that be
a better solution?)

One last request-- I have a friend who has a SS-1+ ..apparently the
battery is dead (the .enet-addr is ALL zeroes, and it doesn't remember
settings after it's powered off).. any good sources for new batteries?

Thank you very much.

      * * *       Atari 8-bit!  Battlestar: Galactica * DESCENT * 486
      * * *      400/800/XL/XE  Star Wars * SeaQuest * Voltron * Summer
  *  *  *  *  * 2600/5200/7800  Star Trek * WarCraft II * SPARCstation 2
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