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Re: SS-2, floppy, and 2.2.1

>>>>> "MH" == Matthew Haas <wedge@onlineimage.com> writes:

MH> Greetings!  I have recently installed Debian 2.1 on my SS-2. I had
MH> to use the 2.0.35 disksets, as I had problems with the 2.2.1, I am
MH> wondering if any problems have been reported, and if a FAQ exists
MH> with discovered problems/solutions.
MH>   When I tried booting (via floppy) with the 2.2.1 boot/driver
MH> disks, it would boot the kernel just fine, and then get down to
MH> the part where it asks to insert the root disk and press
MH> enter. The only problem-- the floppy does not eject (with the
MH> 2.0.35 it does).. I break to the ok prompt and manually eject it
MH> and then return, insert the root disk and press enter, it gives a
MH> message about floppy already in use (or something like that.) [I
MH> do know that breaking out of Linux (Stop-A) may cause Linux
MH> problems, but this was on the initial install, and I was hunting
MH> around for quick solutions.]

Hmm... sounds like a bug somehow in the 2.2.1 support, either the
kernel or the boot-floppies.  Really, 2.0.x kernels are what are
officially supported in Debian 2.1, so we always recommend using those
for Debian 2.1 unless you *have* to use the 2.2.1 series (I guess IPC
and Sun4u).

MH>   Also, is the kernel source (2.2.1) already patched and the
MH> system capable of handling a 2.2.1 (or later-- with patches)
MH> kernel? I imagine it should be, but I'm wondering if there are any
MH> issues I should be aware of.

No, you'll need the sparc patch package as well, kernel-patch-2.2.1.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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