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Re: Serial Configuration

>>>>> "Jake" == Jake Griesbach <griesbac@gamera.colorado.edu> writes:
Jake> Apparently, the serial lines only work properly at high speeds
Jake> when there is no computational load, since even just running X
Jake> (which takes 20% CPU on my machine) causes serial overruns.

Jake> I still don't really have a way to get around the problem
Jake> though.  Any ideas here are appreciated.

Jake> By the way, has anyone tried high speed serial (19200 or 38400)
Jake> on an IPC?

Sorry I can't help you more; all I can say is that the xylog serial
ports on the older sun architectures is really known to bite the big
one.  I don't know newer models (like my sun4u) even fix that.

I guess serial on sparcs is kinda a joke.  Maybe you can get a SBUS
card with a good serial UART on it?

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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