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Re: boot-floppies progress

>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Zander <srz@mckesson.com> writes:

    Stephen> Perl is waiting on two things:

    Stephen> 1. Me to finish the install on the Sparc5 I have to the
    Stephen> point where I can do development (which may be done)

Can't help with this, but..

    Stephen> 2. Me to find the (hopefully) five minutes it should take
    Stephen> to configure pgp to work with Gnus, and then find someone
    Stephen> in San Francisco to sign my developer's keys. :(

I can help with these :) 

I use Gnus with Mailcrypt. Just install the 'mailcrypt' Debian package
(it might be in non-us, I forget) and add the following to your

(require 'mailcrypt-init)
(autoload 'mc-install-write-mode "mailcrypt" nil t)
(autoload 'mc-install-read-mode "mailcrypt" nil t)
(add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'mc-install-write-mode)
(setq mc-pgp-user-id "che@debian.org")
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'mc-install-write-mode)

Change the setq mc-pgp-user-id as you wish :)

Also, I put in my ~/.emacs:

(setq message-cite-function 'sc-cite-original)

for the neat quoting mechanism you see in this message.

And in my ~/.gnus:

(add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook 'mc-install-read-mode)
(add-hook 'news-reply-mode-hook 'mc-install-write-mode)
(add-hook 'gnus-article-mode-hook 'mc-install-write-mode)

but this may not be required any more now that (require
'mailcrypt-init) has gotten smarter over the years. Still, couldn't
hurt :)

Brought to you by the letters U and J and the number 3.
"You should be glad you don't have diaper rash. Mah Jongg." -- The Critic
Ben Gertzfield <http://www.imsa.edu/~wilwonka/> Finger me for my public
PGP key. I'm on FurryMUCK as Che, and EFNet and YiffNet IRC as Che_Fox.

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