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boot-floppies progress

Hello all,
  here is my progress in this development of boot disks for Sparc.

  I found *the* way to create a tftpboot image with an initial ramdisk appened,
like the one from RedHat.  Then I managed to use it and I created such image.
And now, it works :-)  so I can get rid of miniroot archive (like in the
previous disks set for libc5).  It's much simpler to install because it's no
more needed to configure the NFS server for mounting this image.
Notice: I can still provide the old miniroot archive for very low memory
        workstations (<8mb) if someone needs it.

I can now start to install Debian.  The kernel boots, the ramdisk is loaded
and dinstall is running.  I can configure keyboard, mount swap, format & mount
partitions and install & configure the kernel & modules.
I can run most parts of dinstall, just missing the "install the base system"
part and steps that follow it (make the system bootable & write a boot floppy).

However, to create the base archive, I need a libc6 release of dpkg, perl &
Anders, are you ready to upload dpkg ?
Davide, are you ready to upload silo ?
Anybody is working on perl ? Stephen ?

My sparc also has a floppy drive, so I can manage to create floppy disks for
Debian installation.  However, I would want to know how to create a bootable
floppy disk.  Which tools could be used to boot from this device ?

BTW, I've created 2 new packages only useful in the sparc world:
	.fdisk-sparc is the missing program from util-linux
	.sparc-tools contains elftoaout & piggyback utilities to create tftpboot
	 images with initrd.
Can I upload them directly to master or is there a policy about announcing new
packages before ?

Notice: I don't know if sparc-tools is the right name for this package.
        I'm thinking about sparc-utils or tftpboot-utils, ...
        Any suggestion is welcome.


 Eric Delaunay                 | "La guerre justifie l'existence des militaires.
 delaunay@lix.polytechnique.fr | En les supprimant." Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

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