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bad experiences with libc6 2.0.91-980111-3


  I installed the latest libc6 packages & the dumb ld-2.0.91.so from Juan.
However, I cannot rlogin anymore to my sparc :-(

I get the following error from the rlogin process:

usr/sbin/in.rlogind: Symbol `_sys_errlist' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking

(Hopefully I can still login from consoles or telnet).

It seems to come from tcpd in netbase package.
(sed is another package which show me the same warning).

Now I'm trying to build the latest netbase package (3.03-1) but it fails due
to some conflicts between bits/socket.h and asm/socket.h.

Any experience on this topic is welcome.
Thanks in advance.

 Eric Delaunay                 | "La guerre justifie l'existence des militaires.
 delaunay@lix.polytechnique.fr | En les supprimant." Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

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