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Re: .rem .div .mul ... in glibc-2.1

Juan Cespedes wrote:
>         Why aren't .[u]{div,rem,mul} defined as global in glibc-2.1?
> Is there a good reason for this?
> 	I think they should be added to `libc.map' in the glibc
> sources to declare them as global.  If not, some programs may not work
> (in fact, they don't work now).

My first attempt (a while ago) to build glibc was to add such entries in the
libc.map because I got some undefined symbols at link time.  It was wrong.  I
didn't realized that libc.so should not be a soft link to libc.so.6 but have
to be a script that tells the linker to use the dynamic library first, then
the static one to resolve undefined symbols in the former.

If your libc.so is already a script, maybe these undefined symbols come from
libm?  I noticed that the linker search for undefined symbols in the left to
right order of libraries declaration on the command line.  Therefore, if libm
is declared after libc (-lc -lm), it does not search backward in libc (neither
libc.so.6 nor libc.a) to find those .*{div,rem,mul} symbols.

Can you try to replace libm.so link with this script:

GROUP ( /lib/libm.so.6 /usr/lib/libc.a )

Hope this help.

 Eric Delaunay                 | "La guerre justifie l'existence des militaires.
 delaunay@lix.polytechnique.fr | En les supprimant." Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

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