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Re: Current State of Debian Sparc Port

>   * select() isnt working properly, which breaks glibc versions of
>     perl, proftpd, apache, and probably much more I haven't tried.

Actually, I recently discovered that *select* is fine -- it seems to
be reporting the EBADF accurately.  What appears to be broken is that
writes of more than 4096 to a full pipe between a parent and child
screw up somehow.  (I'm not sure why libc5 programs don't lose too,
I'm working on that one, but thought I'd point that out...)

>   * bash 2.01 and its libreadline cant be compiled because it comes
>     out linked against both libc5 and libc6; same with ncurses3.4.

Umm, I think that's just untrue.  Do you mean the *dependencies* show
both libc5 and libc6? That's because dpkg-shlibdeps is getting fooled
by a bug in ld.so; someone claimed they were uploading a new one to
fix them problem.  ncurses3.4 actually builds and works fine, I
uploaded the missing binary packages a couple of days ago (since so
many programs (like "info" had been uploaded linked against them

> (My theory here is it might help if /lib/ld-linux.so.2 wasn't linked
> against libc5.)

I think that's the symptom, but from what was posted here earlier, it
*isn't* -- it just looks that way because ld.so (which is what does
the work of ldd, underneath) has a bug...

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