Sparc serial terminal setup with wyse 60???
I just bought a used sparc 1+ and a used wyse sixty terminal. The dealer
of the sparc said he used a terminal on it and I should just be able to
plug mine in. Well I can't. THe back of my terminal has two serial ports.
And the back of the sparc has two db-25 aserial ports and a 15 pin port.
the setups are labeled as so:
DB-25 Srial port (Modem)
DB-25 Srial port (Aux)
Sparc 1+:
DB-25 Srial port (A)
DB-25 Srial port (B)
15 pin port
I am not sure what goes where (hah hah real funny...)
Also I am not sure if all my settings are right in the config values of my
termianl. Does anybody have any experience with a setup like this?
Douglas F. Elznic
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of
patriots and tyrants."
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