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Re: Debian package sgml-data: XHTML 1.0 2nd ed, XHTML 1.1 etc

Le 08 Dec 2002 16:04:25 -0600, tu as ecrit :

>XHTML 1.0 is in sgml-data.  You are saying it's an outdated version
>and should be updated?

Yes: according to http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801/,

>XHTML? 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)
>A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0
>W3C Recommendation 26 January 2000, revised 1 August 2002

>As for XHTML 1.1, see bugs 139058 (WNPP) and the improperly closed
>89217.  I am not willing to add additional large complex DTDs into
>sgml-data.  XHTML should be packaged separately; in fact, I would
>prefer if someone would do this, taking both XHTML 1.0 and XHTML 1.1
>so I can remove XHTML 1.0 from sgml-data.

Ok -- since XHTML 1.0 is already in sgml-data, I didn't even think about
looking for a RFP.

>As for SVG, is it small and simple enough that it's silly to package
>it separately?  I guess so.  If it should be in sgml-data, please file
>a wishlist on sgml-data requesting it be added; if it should be it's
>own package, file a request as appropriate on WNPP (reportbug can help
>with WNPP requests).

I'll file in a wishlist bug.

>We really do need a volunteer to package XHTML.  If no one volunteers,
>I can do it, but I'm not a good candidate since I don't use XHTML.
>OTOH, DTD packages are damn easy to maintain and change infrequently,
>and I have a lot of experience with them.

I see that someone has volunteered; I'm also happy to do it if needed.


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