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Re: ITP: lib-arbortext-java -- sgml catalog classes for xslt

/ Ian Zimmerman <itz@speakeasy.org> was heard to say:
| Norm> -x names the parser class for XML documents, -y names the parser
| Norm> class for stylesheets, and -r names the URIResolver class.
| OK, I located the option documentation; it is hiding in
| using-xsl.html.  Thanks.
| But I still don't understand how to pass a custom _entity_ (ie. public
| id) resolver.  Surely the URIResolver only gets called on system IDs?
| Or else it is severely misnamed.

Right. There's no top-level hook to the entityResolver() (which gets
the public and system identifiers; see the SAX documentation); you
have to implement that by writing your own parser class.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Faith makes many of the mountains which
http://nwalsh.com/            | it has to remove.--W. R. Inge

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