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Re: ITP: lib-arbortext-java -- sgml catalog classes for xslt

| Mark> I plan to package Norm Walsh's Arbortext Catalog Classes to
| Mark> provide sgml catalog support to lib-xt-java and to the saxon
| Mark> package I'm working on.


itz>  I have just run saxon (from your package) on my document for the first
itz>  time, and it seems to understand entity references (including standard
itz>  ISO entities, which are presumably included in the DTD [docbk] through
itz>  a public ID) without further ado.
itz>  This seems almost too good to be true.  What exactly are the
itz>  arbortext classes needed for?

norm> The classes allow you to use a catalog-based entity resolver to
norm> provide local redirection of entities. For example, given:

  <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1//EN"

norm> I don't really want to go hit the OASIS website to get the DTD,
norm> it's right here on the local disk in "file:/.../docbookx.dtd"
norm> (In fact, I'm currently climbing out of 28,000 feet heading for
norm> Seattle and hitting the OASIS website is only a technical
norm> possibility, but I still want to parse documents.) And I don't
norm> want to edit the document. So the catalog classes read an OASIS
norm> TR9401 Catalog and allow you to remap them.

Well, of course, I know about public identifiers :-)  I am a SGML guy.

Let me rephrase my question:  Does saxon (as packaged by Mark) use
public identifiers at all, out of the box?

(Use The Source is no good, I don't grok Java.)

norm> I've got a new set of classes that provide both entity and URI
norm> resolution (something the Arbortext classes don't provide) that
norm> use the new OASIS Entity Resolution committee[1]'s XCatalog
norm> format.

norm> I now have approval to publish them and will be doing a binary
norm> release as soon as I'm back in my office with a source release
norm> to follow asap afterwards.

I am married to Debian for now, which means plain old Open Catalog.

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
EngSoc adopts market economy: cheap is wasteful, efficient is expensive.
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