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Re: ITP: lib-arbortext-java -- sgml catalog classes for xslt

/ Ian Zimmerman <itz@speakeasy.org> was heard to say:
| Norm> Without some sort of additional entity resolver installed, no.
| Norm> Saxon just calls (an) underlying XML parser and without a
| Norm> resolver, it'll just use the system identifiers.
| Well, how does one "install" such a thing (the arbortext classes are
| an example, I suppose)?  Does that mean recompiling saxon?  The
| documentation included with the arbortext classes seems to imply so,
| but I am afraid my ignorance of Java is shining through here.  

Saxon accepts as a command-line argument the name of a class that
implements the entityResolver interface, so no recompilation is
necessary. So does Xalan.

| But will Debian switch its system catalog to the new format?  That's
| the question, and I doubt it, as other tools (like sp/nsgmls/jade)
| wouldn't work with it.
| Or is it compatible?

The classes handle TR9401 text catalogs (what sp/nsgmls/etc. support),
the XCatalog format supported by (some parts of) Apache, and the OASIS
XML format. Plus a couple of extensions I coded up to prove that our
assertion that the format is extensible was actually true :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Even while a thing is in the act of
http://nwalsh.com/            | coming into existence, some part of it
                              | has already ceased to be.--Marcus
                              | Aurelius

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