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Re: docbook 4.x obsoletes DocBook-XML

Eliot Landrum <eliot@landrum.cx> writes:

> I've been digging around in the package a bit.. but still haven't
> quite got a firm grasp on how it works (it is very different from
> binary and library packages that I've done in the past). Once I do,
> I can take them over. Oh wait.. I need to get my maintainorship
> first.. still waiting in the que. :(

My packages are very simple.

Let me know, when you get your maintainership, whether you are still
interested in taking these -- or any of my packages.  

However, I would rather not give them right away to you.  I would
rather receive patches from you for a little while until I'm
comfortable with what you are doing, and that you know what you are
doing.  You can either work from latest (woody) source archives or
else, I might be able to hand out read-only CVS access to my local CVS

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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