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Re: UNS: Debian 4.0 Upgrade Path

Dear Michael,

Michael Gilbert wrote:
it already seems hard enough with the current level of manpower to
support two releases at the same time let alone three.  it may be
doable, but the security team would need more volunteers (particularly
those interested in doing the work to keep oldstable supported).

I found this posting on testing-security-announce which seems to indicate that security support for squeeze is not going to start soon:


However if that is the case, I wonder if oldstable support could be extended for some more time.

I know that all the work is done by volunteers and I'm very grateful for what they do. Still I think that especially in the sector of institutional use, the popularity of Debian could be improved by offering longer support cycles. I don't think Debian should go as far as Microsoft does (10 years of support for Windows 2000), but 5 years of support in my opinion would be more suited to the typical upgrade [*] cycles in large organisations. [**]



[*] I'm taking the user view on "upgrade" here. For the user, anything that bumps up the version number is an upgrade, be it through "apt-get dist-upgrade" or through re-installation (possibly skipping a release).

[**] Take CERN as an example for a large organisation. They deploy customised RedHat distros after a lengthy certification process. This is the list of certification dates of the past (taken from [***]):
11/2002 CERN Linux 7.3.1
11/2004 Scientific Linux 3
03/2006 Scientific Linux 4
01/2010 Scientific Linux 5
Thus their deployment cycle so far was 2 years, 4 years, 4 years. Add to that the time certification takes, CERN might just fit into a 5 year support life-span. I assume that there are many large organisations which are as slow as that or only slightly faster.

[***] http://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/news.shtml

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