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Re: UNS: Debian 4.0 Upgrade Path

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Dear Thiemo,

Thiemo Nagel wrote:
> However if that is the case, I wonder if oldstable support could be
> extended for some more time.
> I know that all the work is done by volunteers and I'm very grateful for
> what they do.  Still I think that especially in the sector of
> institutional use, the popularity of Debian could be improved by
> offering longer support cycles.  I don't think Debian should go as far
> as Microsoft does (10 years of support for Windows 2000), but 5 years of
> support in my opinion would be more suited to the typical upgrade [*]
> cycles in large organisations. [**]

IMHO, the companies, organisations and scenarios you mention can not be
compared to what Debian does. IMHO Debian's support cycle is rather
long, but what is the *real* difference is that Debian supports 'on the
fly' upgrades without reinstalling and typically with a single reboot
(to boot the new kernel version). A typical Debian upgrade will lead to
a downtime on the order of a few minutes once every 2 years, compared to
tedious manual reinstallation required on other systems. It is
straightforward to semi-automatically upgrade some 100 machines via ssh
without ever touching the machines and it will only take a rather short
time of actual work.

I don't really understand, why you want to reinstall instead of
upgrading your machines, if you think that this is too much effort.

Personally, I very much prefer the debian way to any of the alternatives
you mention. Thanks and cudos to the developers for their great work!!!


[NB: I won't mention here that the support cycles of some versions of M$
have been extended for the sole reason that the quality of later
versions was so poor that many customers (especially corporate) refused
to upgrade. ]

- --
Three nations have not officially adopted the International System
of Units as their primary or sole system of measurement: Burma,
Liberia, and the United States.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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