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Re: first A record of security.debian.org extremely slow

also sprach Michal Sabala <saahbs@yahoo.com> [2006.02.20.2328 +0100]:
> host -t a security.debian.org
> security.debian.org has address   <----- slow

Please see 

> Editing /etc/hosts to contain:
> security.debian.org
> solves the problem. Our network is working properly BTW.

Please do not do this. A better fix is to REJECT
with iptables:

  iptables -I OUTPUT -d -j REJECT

(amend as needed). This leaves a round-robin of two servers rather
than everyone banging on (or the other one).

> Can somebody please take a look at host/net please, please,
> please?

FWIW, this is not the list for such requests.
debian-admin@lists.debian.org are responsible for that.

> I'm considering starting to mirror security. I don't see a reason
> why security repository shouldn't be mirrored, while in reality
> tampering with packages on _any_ repository has the same outcome.

This has been discussed at length. Basically it's less to do with
tampering than with timeliness.

> Mike (not on the mailing list, please Cc).

Please set your Mail-Followup-Header correctly.


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 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
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