Re: On Mozilla-* updates
Sorry for the email with the maligned from address in that last message
(, I'm trying out mozilla-thunderbird
with a virtual identity extention that seems to construct odd from
lines, that message was not from, so
don't take it as such.
On Sun, 31 Jul 2005, Micah wrote:
> Nikita V. Youshchenko wrote:
> >>There won't be _any_ Debian solution with the current policy.
> >
> >
> > Not exactly. Correct statement is, '... with the current policy
> > AND Debian traditional way of doing things'.
> >
> > I agree with this statement.
> > I see the problem.
> >
> > The question is - how to solve it.
> > policy is probably out of our control.
> > However, our way of doing things is not.
> >
> Is policy out of our control? If there was enough pressure
> on them to provided isolated security fixes they might actually do it.
> Perhaps they don't have any clue that this is a major issue for some of
> the largest linux distributions, and if they knew it was they might
> devote some energy towards being more friendly to their neighbors. Has
> anyone any definitive information, or is it just speculation? Has anyone
> actually spoken to people at about this problem?
> micah
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