Re: Debian Security Support in Place
On Saturday, 2005-07-09 at 10:37:27 +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Lupe Christoph <> [2005.07.09.1022 +0200]:
> > > The security team will continue to support Debian GNU/Linux 3.0
> > > alias woody until May 2006, or if the security support for the
> > > next release, codenamed etch, starts, whatever happens first.
> > This is equivalent to saying "We will rip security support for
> > oldstable from under your feet at any time just as we please".
> No, it's not. It's worded a little awkwardly, but herewith you get
> my promise that etch will not happen first. So May 2006 it is. You
> are welcome to get those companies to come up with funding to allow
> us to pay 1-2 people taking care of sarge after May 2006.
If I can get the customer who owns the Woody system to fund *me* for
upgrading them, I'll be glad...
> And if that is unacceptable to you: Ubuntu has announced a 5 year
> support plan for server systems:
Let's not discuss Ubuntu here, so I just say I'm running a Debian
Testing system, and that is running quite nicely without any "Testing
will be broken for the next few months". Having Unstable and Experimental
is a Very Good Thing.
I set up two servers with Testing even though I could not be sure when
fixes for security holes would come up. These have now migrated to Stable
because I used "sarge" rather than "testing" in /etc/apt/sources.list.
And the are updated when an applicable DSA comes out.
I'm very fond of the way Debian releasing works. Even when it works
slowly like with Sarge.
The Woody machines would not be running Debian if the project was
negligent in keeping Debian up to date. They needed backports to be kept
resasonably up to date, but even that speaks for Debian. Backports are
amazingly easy to do most of the time.
When the problems of the security team came to light, I was quite
astonished and I'm glad they have been resolved so fast. We couldn't do
without Joey, but that doesn't mean he should carry all the weight.
Lupe Christoph
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