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Re: Packet sniffing & regular users

> On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 04:14:51PM -0500, Brian Kim wrote:
> | Getting back to the problem at hand, is it required to be a superuser
> | in order to listen to all traffic coming in on a NIC? (I've always

when binding to the NIC, yes.

> | believed yes, but I'm just making sure here....) And is it possible to
> | drop a NIC into promisc mode (as root) and leave it there?

tcpdump can be run as a normal user.  I use it all the time to review
captures already on disk. However, you won't be able to bind to an
interface as a normal user.  That's the issue you'll be running into,
regardless about the state of promisc mode.

You'll need to read up on the bridging and tun/tap capabilities for
the kernel.  I've used them before, but it seems so infrequent, that I
usually lapse memory how to do most of that.

(and no, I don't intend to be exhaustive on the issues surrounding the
question original asked. if you still have questions about the ethics
and legalese of sniffing, be sure to ask.)

I am stressing you use caution in this matter.  Your attempts to
weaken the security in place may or may not cost you now.  I don't
have any idea what the scope of your project or experiment is - but I
hope it's not accessible to the public Internet...

Good luck,

Scott Edwards
Daxal Communications - http://www.daxal.com
Surf the USA - http://www.surfthe.us

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