Re: Recommended firewall package?
On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 07:45:18AM -0800, Potato Chip wrote:
> Is there a recommended firewall package? There seem to be several
> available, but was curious if there was a debian recommended one.
> I currently have a hand-crafted script calling iptables directly.
> Logging is only provided by iptable's -j LOG parameter, which is less
> than ideal.
I strongly recomend using Shorewall - it's a very friendly tool for seting up
even complicated firewalls (nets with DMZ, DNAT and so on).
I found it very easy to use - all you have to do is to define several rules in
config files and then shorewall will generate firewall rules for you.
> Thanks for any tips.
> Jae
Michael "carstein" Melewski | "Humanistą był Kepler, był Leibnitz. | Człowiek definiujący humanizm jako
mobile: 502 545 913 | brak umiejętności całkowania
gpg: | humanistą nie jest."
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