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Re: mozilla - the forgotten package?

Jan Lühr wrote:

> > AFAIK, 1.4 is the more stable branch, and fixes are still backported to
> > it (at least by MandrakeSoft 8-).
> Is that your campaign? 
> http://cert.uni-stuttgart.de/ticker/article.php?mid=1183

Well, sort of, but it's a bit out of control now.

There's no obvious solution.  If Debian sticks to 1.0 on principle,
there's nothing we can do.  It's unlikely we'll find a volunteer who
backports all those fixes to 1.0.  I haven't found any commercial
distributor who still supports 1.0, either.

If we integrate 1.4 (that is, 1.4.2) into stable, we can take security
fixes from upstream and/or other distributors. It might still be a lot
of work (I'm going to try it next weekend or so), but it looks like a
more manageable task.

Current mail filters: many dial-up/DSL/cable modem hosts, and the
following domains: atlas.cz, bigpond.com, freenet.de, hotmail.com,
libero.it, netscape.net, postino.it, tiscali.co.uk, tiscali.cz,
tiscali.it, voila.fr, wanadoo.fr, yahoo.com.

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