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Re: machine monitoring packages

> Don't know all the tools u are talking about, but maybe BigBrother 
> (http://bb4.com/) is what u are looking for?
 Ehm, netsaint,nagios seems way more mature. And I don't intend to replace
one of those tools. I want one tool for monitoring. Or maybe two ( monit
needs to run as root, wouldn't be to wise to run all monitoring this way ).
 Of course I tried mon and cricket ( and tried == installed, configured and
tried running for few months ), so I think i've got all main tools covered,
and they don't fit the bill.
 ( for example -> when monitoring services, the tools notices states
up/down/lagged. Good. But why won't it save the data that it gathers and
display this as graph? And archive the data so that one can analyze it.
 And please don't be browser-centric.
 Flashy web page should be of least importance, not the main feature of the
 project ( vide early days of big-brother/big-sister ) )

Dariush Pietrzak,
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