Re: Firewall testing
On Don, 2003-02-06 at 09:41, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 11:56:42AM -0500, wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 11:14:50AM -0500, merk0020 wrote:
> > > Hello I am about to make the Proxy/Firewall on your
> > > web site. I was wondering how to go about testing
> > > it when finished. I have multiple computers and various internet
> > > connections.
> >
> (...)
> >
> > Run an nmap scan over the test box and make sure it is consistent with
> > your firewall config.
> >
> Note that nmap (or nessus for that matter) will only determine the
> security of the proxy/firewall itself (if pointed at it) and not of the
> computers _behind_ it.
> You have to also port scan the boxes behind to determine if they
> are properly protected by the firewall.
> A nice document on firewall testing would be CERT's:
> or Eugene Schultz's
> Also you could use a tool to test you firewall rules from inside/out such
> as "Firewall Tester"
> Is anyone aware of similar ones? (packaged in Debian?)
i found that question interesting enough to dig a bit:
$apt-cache search packet|grep IP (edited)
isic - Test the integrity of an IP Stack with semi-random packets
nemesis - TCP/IP Packet Injection Suite
rain - packet builder for testing IP protocols implementations.
sendip - A commandline tool to allow sending arbitrary IP packets.
stone - TCP/IP packet repeater in the application layer
other injectors can surely be found at packetstorm or similiar sites.
searching freshmeat (traffic/firewall + test):
furthermore the somewhat related (and imho most interesting)
sf doesn't add anything new, a glance at google just shows alot of noise
(LeakTest, ZoneAlarm, BlackICE)
thinking about it, this might be interesting, too:
> Regards
> Javi
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