Re: raw disk access
On Sábado, 8 de Febrero de 2003 23:49, Christian Storch wrote:
> What about
> cp /dev/sdx /dev/sdy
> It works very well on two identical drives -
> - perhaps when the second one is larger, too.
> You don't need any permissions. The result is really a clone
> including partition table!
> I used this from a floppy with a full version of cp.
AFAIK, the result is the same as dd'ing it. In different devices, it will fail
due to geometrical reasons when the size of the cylinders in each device is
different. i.e., different "H" and "S" parameters in CHS terminology.
However, it will work if:
a) They are geomtrically identical devices (same cylinders, heads and
sectors). Or
b) One device has more cylinders than the other, but they both have the same
number of heads and sectors.
This is how I see the matter. Of course, I could be wrong.
Luis Gomez Miralles
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