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suse's openldap2 audit relevant?

Just read


	To: <suse-security-announce@suse.com>
	Subject: [suse-security-announce] SuSE Security Announcement: 
		OpenLDAP2 (SuSE-SA:2002:047)
	Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 12:16:32 +0100 (MET)

  1) security vulnerability resolved: Buffer overflows in openldap2.

	  The SuSE Security Team reviewed critical parts of that package and
	found several buffer overflows and other bugs remote attackers could
	exploit to gain access on systems running vulnerable LDAP servers.
	In addition to these bugs, various local exploitable bugs within the
	OpenLDAP2 libraries (openldap2-devel package) have been fixed.

Obviously they update their openldap 2.0.23.
Debian also has a 2.0.23 version. 
Might Debian be vulnerable?

ps.: Please send me a copy, I'm not on the list.

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