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Re: ifconfig doesn't report Promiscuous interfaces

>>>>> "Andres" == Andres Salomon <dilinger@mp3revolution.net> writes:
    Andres> The only other thing I can think of is, something (or
    Andres> someone) is resetting interface flags (not even sure if
    Andres> that's still possible, the article's from '98), or there's
    Andres> some subtle bug in the nic's driver (what driver is this,
    Andres> btw?).

On the firewall system:

 eth0: Sohoware NDC 10/100 NIC using the DecChip Tulip driver
       (CONFIG_TULIP, good 'ol tulip.c)
 eth1: D-Link 530TX+ NIC using the RTL-8139 PCI Fast Ethernet driver
       (CONFIG_8139TOO, 8139too.c)

On the internal system:

 eth0: D-Link 530TX+ NIC using the RTL-8139 PCI Fast Ethernet driver
       (CONFIG_8139TOO, 8139too.c)

I had thought that there might be a problem with the drivers for the
D-Link NICs, but even when I try running tcpdump on the Sohoware NIC
(eth0) on the firewall box, ifconfig still doesn't report the PROMISC

The only time it does is if I set the PROMISCuous status using ifconfig
(ifconfig eth0/eth1 promisc).


Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com

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