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Re: Request to join your team as new member

Hello Alicherif,

On Mon, 20 May 2024 at 14:54, Alicherif Samir <alicherif.samir@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm working on the Wapiti web scanner with a team of motivated people, and we
> want to see our work published on the Salsa repositories.

That's great, feel free to send an MR against the debian branch, you can skip
doing an MR for the pristine-tar and upstream branches (but they need to be
updated in your fork).

> As nobody packages Wapiti anymore, I'd like to take care of it.

That's not true, the package is still under the team and someone ought to
package the latest version eventually. It's still being taken care of, but
contributions are very much welcomed!

> Now that you know what I want to do, let me introduce myself. I'm Samir. I am
> a developer passionate about many subjects, including Cyber Security and Risk
> Management. I work for a company that publishes a vulnerability management
> software.

Awesome, we don't have a strict definition of being part of the team, so for
any MRs you make against wapiti, feel free to use "Team upload" in the

Salsa does have the concept of the team, for the pkg-security namespace, but
ayn members added will have permissions across all repos maintained by the
team, so we tend to only add people if needed/after some contributions. This
doesn't stop others from contributing, as anyone is allowed to send an MR doing
a "Team upload" (d/changelog).


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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