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Re: Request to join as new member

Hello Simon,

On Sat, 11 May 2024 at 10:59, Simon Josefsson <simon@josefsson.org> wrote:
> I'm not up to speed on all the pkg-security tooling, so please review
> and fix anything that needs fixing.  I feel uncomfortable having a salsa
> write permission token in plain text on my laptop, which seemed required
> to use some of the suggested tools -- hopefully none of that stuff is
> critical, and if important could be fixed by others too?  It felt like
> going down someone's personal work flow understanding, which is great
> for inspiration (I quickly agreed with most concepts) but may require
> some more polishing before everyone can adapt.  I had the same feeling
> when adapting to the Debian Go Packaging workflow, most of the workflow
> concepts are great improvements but deep below some assumptions that may
> not be universal are made.  I hope to learn and adapt though.

I think only a few people use the tools at
https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-security-team/pkg-security-team. You should be
definitely fine without using it.

The feature we get is standardization of the packaging, the main one being
setting up the IRC and BTS hooks, but then the logic around branch names is
outdated :(.

I should take some time to update that wiki and the scripts... But for now,
feel free to skip that.

> Regarding having the repository in debian/ but still use pkg-security
> group maintenance, I'll think about that some more, but you can tell
> from my decision to move libntlm to pkg-security that I wanted to give
> this approach a try first.

Ack, I'm interested in your findings after trying it out for a bit.


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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