Re: Review of fierce
El dom, 12-04-2020 a las 01:13 -0300, Eriberto Mota escribió:
> Hi Marcos,
> I will review fierce now. I will use the package currently in Salsa.
> 1. debian/control:
> - The package should use the Section "net", not "utils". Please, see
> here[1].
> [1]
IMHO, this package also fits in "utils" section. Anyway, it is changed
> - The Build-Depends line is very long. Please, run wrap-and-sort
> command in upstream place or break the lines by hand.
> - (optional): I suggest put a point before the paragraph starting
> with
> "Because it uses" to create two distincts paragraphs.
> 2. debian/copyright
> - Where I can find the year 2007 for RSnake?
It is in the original upstream release. This author don't maintain this
tool, but you can see this date on some forks like this:
Also in the Kali repo:
It is important to note that the current package is a complete rewrite.
The original source is Perl code while this one is written in Python
> - Please, use the texts from /usr/share/debhelper/dh_make/licenses
> for
> license texts. Currently, neither Debian nor FSF uses street
> addresses[2].
> [2]
> - In GPL-3 the text must be changed to remove the reference for
> "later version".
> - Only to remember, the GPL-3 license text is pointing to GPL-2.
> - (optional) Is a good idea put the license texts after all blocks to
> make easier the conference of data. It is good for sponsors and
> FTP-Masters.
I believe that is already done.
> 3. debian/fierce.1
> - (optional) Is a common practice in Debian put a section AUTHORS
> saying the manpage can be used by others. Please, see here an
> example[3].
> [3]
I did it with another tools i maintain but i decided not to do it
I just formated a bit the "--help" output and i believe that this is
not deserve this credit. Maybe if i write a good manpage.
> 4. The package doesn't build twice. I can see:
> dpkg-source: info: local changes detected, the modified files are:
> fierce/fierce.egg-info/PKG-INFO
> fierce/fierce.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
> fierce/fierce.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
> fierce/fierce.egg-info/entry_points.txt
> fierce/fierce.egg-info/requires.txt
> fierce/fierce.egg-info/top_level.txt
> Please, create a debian/clean file with the following content:
> fierce.egg-info/*
Done. I added it in d/rules instead.
> 5. (optional) Is a good idea include a basic CI test
> (debian/tests/control). I can help you, if needed / if you want a
> test.
I need some time to write it. I prefer to do it for next release.
> 6. The file has several interesting examples of use. Can
> you
> add this file to the package or transcript the examples to manpage?
Done. I transcripted the examples to manpage as README file contains no
more useful info.
> Thanks a lot for your work!
Thanks for your time and advice!
> Cheers,
> Eriberto
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