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Re: GSoC 2018 any mentor?

​Hello ​
GengYu Rao

Unfortunately we don't have a mentor for this project, at least yet. During this week i'll try to ping people which i believe could be interested in mentoring this, i'm volunteering myself to elaborate on the project (which packages, how many time per package, try to port metasplot?!, etc.)* once we have someone willing to mentor it.​
If we get a mentor, them i will apply to the project as a student and we will run together with other applicants on the process. The help i'm giving to the proposal of this project shouldn't count to my application, as noted below.

From what i've seen there are at least 3 students interested (maybe more), and i'm sure that this would be a very nice contribution towards pkg-sec, but our teammates tend to have a busy agenda already and we have a chance of not finding a mentor.

​* All the work that i am/will do before applying is made with my debian contributor hat on, this doesn't count towards my application as a student for this project.​

​Regards, and good luck to us :)​

Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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