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[pkg] New package: wcc

Hello Rapha?l,

Le 19/06/2017 ? 21:19, Raphael Hertzog a ?crit :
> Hello Philippe,
> I still have a problem with uscan. It should ideally work when run in an
> unpacked source package. And since you are copying ../.git, I guess it
> doesn't (IOW it works only when run from a git checkout). Can't you
> instead initialize a new throw-away git repository as I suggested?
I've tested but it doesn't seem to work. With the following cmd in 
cd $DIR && git init && git add . && git commit -m "fake" && git 
submodule update --init && rm -rf .git && cd $OLDPWD
+ cd wcc-0.0.2
+ git init
D?p?t Git vide initialis? dans 
+ git add .
+ git commit -m fake
[master (commit racine) 792a4b0] fake
  194 files changed, 57507 insertions(+)
  create mode 100644 .gitignore
  create mode 100644 .gitmodules
  create mode 100644 AUTHORS
  create mode 100644 LICENSE
  create mode 100644 Makefile
  create mode 100644 src/wsh/wshmain.c
+ git submodule update --init
+ rm -rf .git
+ cd /home/phil/Travail/debs/wcc/wcc
+ tar -c -z -f ../wcc_0.0.2+dfsg.orig.tar.gz -X debian/orig-tar.exclude 
+ rm -rf wcc-0.0.2 ../v0.0.2.tar.gz
+ exit 0
-- Scan finished

The submodule command has no impact... :-/ I've tested various ways... 
no results :( even if the .gitmodules file does exist.
> Also if the official workflow is now "uscan" + "gbp import-orig", then
> upstream/latest should contain all the files of all submodules and
> debian/master too.
Ok so I create a upstream/master, keeping the submodules separated (to 
allow an update of the submodules in case of upstream sumodule update)
and a upstream/latest, where i merge the submodules files into one signe 
git branch ?
> You should probably do a first run of gbp import-orig with the current
> orig.tar.gz to add the missing files and merge again upstream/latest
> into debian/master.
Ok so as you said, the gbp import-orig will flatten the git content of 
the upstream/latest git repo into one single repo and merge back to 
debian/master. Only uscan will know about submodules (and 
upstream/master if i keep that branch to keep track of submodules if 
needed... not sure if uscan do the job for me).
> And update debian/README.source... while the currently documented method
> does create an appropriate orig tar ball stored in pristine-tar, it
> doesn't store all the files in upstream/latest and in debian/master.
Ok. If you confirm that i understand well what you explain, i do that 
right now.
> Now that you dropped the PDF, wcc-doc is really small. I think that the
> package is not needed, you can just dump all the documentation in the main
> "wcc" package. And you can get rid of
> /usr/share/doc/wcc-doc/wikidocs/.git too.
Yep. It was due to the various PDF files. I will merge all of them.
> Cheers,

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