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Re: Multi-Body Dynamics Simulation in Debian

El 27/3/21 a les 0:45, Drew Parsons ha escrit:
> On 2021-03-26 17:52, Rock Storm wrote:
> ...
>>> Does siconos do what you need?
> ...
>> Thanks for your suggestion! It does seem to do what I'm after, though it
>> seems to lack the integration with FreeCAD. But again, thanks, I'll look
>> into it and see if it would serve the purpose. At a first glance it
>> seems more advanced and feature rich than MBDyn.
> I'm not familiar enough with siconos to be certain what mesh file
> formats it can work with, but meshio can be a useful tool for converting
> between many different mesh file formats, including stl.
> Don't forget it's open source, you could write a patch to siconos to
> provide conversion to the freecad formats :)

Don't forget assimp that it's packaged and can read and save in multiple
formats: mesh and objects with physics (collada).



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