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Re: Debian Maintainer requesting upload permission for selected packages


I'm still stuck with the package upload and it seems my earlier request
for help from last monday (dec 3) may not have gotten through properly
(it's not in the list archives for some reason), if not, sorry for any duplicates:

So I have some problems with the upload of most of my packages:

 ticcutils libfolia uctodata ucto timbl timblserver mbt mbtserver
 frogdata frog

The issue is that I got REJECTED from FTP Master because there are
packages flagged as NEW. This was caused because I did some package
renames (e.g libticcutils3 -> libticcutils5) because of library SO
migrations, and removed the version suffix for *-dev packages as
suggested about a year ago by Mattia Rizzolo (e.g. libtimbl4-dev ->
libtimbl-dev). Note that none of these migrations affect any debian
packages other than the ones I maintain (there are no other packages
depending on it).

I don't have the permission to do NEW packages (which
I knew, but I just didn't realize that this too would count as NEW as
the source package is the same)

How should I proceed to get this properly uploaded? If I understand
things correctly it looks like I still need a sponsor (despite being a
DM now for these packages) to do the actual upload because of the NEW
binaries? And even if I had the proper rights, I'm not sure how to deal with the reupload given I
already uploaded things once (do I need a new version despite not having
changed a thing in the package proper?).

I'm hoping someone has the time to help me with this. Everything
is prepared, tested, and ready on salsa.

Some of the old packages were marked for autoremoval already, the first this
monday (10 dec), others following soon.

Kind regards,


Maarten van Gompel
    Language Machines research group
    Centre for Language and Speech Technology
    Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen


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