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Debian Maintainer requesting upload permission for selected packages

Hi all,

I prepared some much needed updates for the following debian-science packages under my
maintenance (all ready on salsa under the debian science team):

 frog frogdata libfolia mbt mbtserver python-pynlpl ticcutils timbl
 timblserver ucto uctoserver

I already obtained Debian Maintainer status and should be in the active
keyring, but it will be my first non-sponsored upload and if I understand
https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer#Granting_Permissions correctly
I still need a debian developer to grant permission so I can directly
upload these packages. Is anyone willing to add me so I can finish the update?

Thanks in advance!


Maarten van Gompel
    Language Machines research group
    Centre for Language and Speech Technology
    Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen


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