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Re: ROS: catkin and ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

Hi Leopold,

thanks for your answer.

On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 08:56:44AM +0200, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
> Well, I have done more or less what do you want to do but with stable. But my
> approach is a bit different. I create a ws in another directory (ex.
> /srv/robotica/ros) than home. It's because I share it with in a multiuser
> environment.
> Then, I build all the packages (rest of ros-desktop + moveit + extras) with:
> $ catkin_make_isolated --install
> After all, the the procedure consists in load the env :
> $ source /srv/robotica/ros/install_isolated/setub.bash
> and then the users can use any of the wide-system ros installation (packaged and
> built)

Yes, this is more or less what i've done. I used to use the ROS packages from
testing but switched to unstable later. And maybe since then or a few days later the
recipe from above doesn't work.

> Also, a
> $ rospack profile
> also helps, reseting some data.

Okay, i've tried that (didn't know about) but it does not help.

> > Compiling works fine, but the catkin tools do not set the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
> > anymore.
> well, I have tried to see where is set without success. Maybe Jochen could help us.

I've read a bit more about catkin (and also catkin tools) and, as far as i understand,
catkin does not use $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH anymore. In fact it's deprecated. If you
grep for ROS_PACKAGE_PATH in the catkin source repo there is only one mentioning
in the docs.

I understand that catkin uses CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH for it's inner workings.

What i don't understand is how roslaunch and rospack come into the game. And
actually they might be the the problem here.

I think, when i set the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH by hand, these tools fall back into
some compatibility mode and somehow work. (This might be completely wrong)

I've also tried the catkin-tools package (installed via pip, because not in
debian) they should bring their own devel/setup.bash scripts but they don't work

Here is some output from the catkin tools. Looks okay for me.

~/ros$ catkin config
Profile:                     default
Extending:             [env] /home/jkur/ros/devel:/home/jkur/ros-moveit/devel
Workspace:                   /home/jkur/ros
Source Space:       [exists] /home/jkur/ros/src
Log Space:          [exists] /home/jkur/ros/logs
Build Space:        [exists] /home/jkur/ros/build
Devel Space:        [exists] /home/jkur/ros/devel
Install Space:     [missing] /home/jkur/ros/install
DESTDIR:            [unused] None
Devel Space Layout:          linked
Install Space Layout:        merged
Additional CMake Args:       None
Additional Make Args:        None
Additional catkin Make Args: None
Internal Make Job Server:    True
Cache Job Environments:      False
Whitelisted Packages:        None
Blacklisted Packages:        None
Workspace configuration appears valid.

But then:
 $ rospack find ur_modern_driver
[rospack] Error: package 'ur_modern_driver' not found

and right after that:
 $ ROS_PACKAGE_PATH="/home/jkur/ros/" rospack find ur_modern_driver

So still the same behaviour.

Jochen mentioned that something might have changed in the newly uploaded
packages, but i couldn't figure it out (see other mail in this thread).

Best regards,
   Jörg :-)

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